Cause Related Marketing

When your company develops a cause related marketing campaign with St. Joseph’s Hospitals, you are a making a smart and socially responsible decision for your company. As consumers increasingly spend their retail dollars with businesses that give back to the community, you company with benefit by supporting St. Joseph’s Hospitals by motivating employees and retaining customers with a community minded-approach to business.

Successful Cause Marketing Programs

Paper Icon sales

Sell a St. Joseph’s Hospitals paper icon to customers for $1 with proceeds benefiting St. Joseph’s Hospitals

Round Up Campaign

Ask customers to round up their bill to the nearest dollar or “Add a Quarter to Your Order” and donate the difference to St. Joseph’s Hospitals

Specialty Item

Create a specialty item for a limited time and donate proceeds from the sale of that item to St. Joseph’s Hospitals

Click and Give

Add a St. Joseph’s Hospitals logo to your website and pledge a specified amount each time visitors click on the logo

Branded Items

Sell co-branded products with proceeds benefiting St. Joseph’s Hospitals

NICU Expansion

St. Joseph’s has started construction on a $9.4 million project that includes an expansion of its Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and renovation of the Obstetrics Unit. The 16,500-square-foot project is expected to be complete in early 2020.

As designated by the American Academy of Pediatrics, a Level IV NICU provides the highest level of care, including surgical repair of congenital or acquired conditions and immediate on-site access to pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists and pediatric anesthesiologists. St. Joseph’s specializes in neuro-developmental neonatal intensive care, such as therapeutic hypothermia, for infants who are born with or are at risk for neurologic conditions. More than 1,200 newborns each year are admitted to the NICU, staying anywhere from several days to five months, depending on their medical condition.


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NICU Expansion Includes

  • 12 new, private patient suites, bringing the total NICU bed count to 76
    • Family centered design with a full bathroom and sleeping nook for overnight guests in each suite
    • Ample space to accommodate the latest high-tech and life-sustaining equipment
  • Addition of a transition nursery with six patient beds for infants in need of additional monitoring after birth
    • Dedicated to newborns requiring 6 to 8 hours of intermediate care
    • Will allow more babies to stay with their families instead of being admitted to the NICU
    • Complements the spectrum of care for the more than 7,000 babies born each year at St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital

Other Construction

  • Renovation of 15 patient rooms in the Obstetrics Unit to provide the comforts of home to new mothers and their babies in a tastefully appointed suite
  • A pedestrian bridge connecting to St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital as part of the $126 million construction project at St. Joseph’s Hospital
    • Will allow quick transportation for women and babies in need of surgery and procedures at St. Joseph’s Hospital and St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital while providing the public with a safe route to cross Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.